HD professional camera to check throat, skin, ear and nose

720P HD resolution camera allows a clear and accurate examination for doctors. The diameter of camera is 3.9mm.

Cold and shadowless LED lamps

Six cold and shadowless LED lights support the examination of enough light.

Smart visual application

The patients will experience a safer operation while doctors examine using the smart visual app.

Additional Features

Non-inductive intelligent temperature control

Digital otoscope is set to have the same temperature as the human body to avoid overheating and burns

USB connection

It supports USB connectivity to Android, IOS systems, laptops, and Mac.

Rechargeable battery

It needs only one hour to fully charge Digital Otoscope and each charge guarantees 90 minutes of examination.


Ear Examination

Digital otoscope can be used for doctors to have a deeper check for ear diseases.

Nose Examination

The digital otoscope can be used to help doctors to check a patient's ear,
nose, and throat. Furthermore, you don't have to be a doctor to buy or
use one, but it's not as simple as just putting it into your child's or
even your ear and looking around.

Sore Throat

A sore throat is pain, scratchiness or irritation of the throat that
often worsens when you swallow. Digital Otoscope can be used to help doctors to
check a patient's throat to diagnose the causes.

Skin Disorders Examination

The causes of skin disorders can be varied. Digital otoscope help doctors to accurately check patient's skin problems.


Download app from via App Store Store (EU countries)App Store Store (other countries)or Google Play Store


Turn on the power of digital otoscope, log in to the mobile application, and add the device according to the operation prompts.


After the equipment is added, directly put the otoscope into the ear, mouth, skin or nose.


Record the examination via app and share the recording to the doctor.

Package includes

3 data cables ( 1 magnetic cable to Type-C, 1 magnetic cable to lightning, and 1 data cable to micro USB)

1 digital otoscope

1 user manual

Frequently Bought Together

Total price 677,00

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